Advanced Auto Extrication
Course Overview
This class will review parts of the basic extrication class, car technology, terminology, and tools in a short classroom setting. The class will be mostly hands-on. This class will have more advanced accident scenarios that will involve vehicle stabilization, how to perform more advanced techniques, marrying vehicles together, and other crazy things we can come up with. Students will learn how to think outside the box. Students will use the extrication tools in ways that might not be practical but will help them learn how to overcome the worst scenario. This class is the 8-hour extrication refresher for certification. Students must attend all 8-hours. to receive hours and recertification. Students MUST be certified in Auto Extrication before attending this class. Required Equipment/Gear: Full PPE or Extrication gear is required, along with safety glasses. Ear Plugs are highly recommended.