STF: Structure Fire

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Library ID Title Comments
STF002IF BUILDINGS COULD TALK….IBR Itelligent Building Response, Real-time buildining information for emergency responders.
STF003IF BUILDINGS COULD TALK…IBR Itelligent Building Response, Real-time buildining information for emergency responders.
STF004FIGHTING CHURCH ARSONThe program underlines the importance of prevention with dramatic scenes of burning churches & emotional comments from members whose churches have been destroyed by arson. With help from expert arson investigators, the video provides pratical tips on security which could save your church building. Finally, it offers advice on how to build stronger community relations to minimize the likelihood that such hateful acts will be committed in your community. Old #8
STF005COOK COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FIRECook County building fire, heat release rate experiments and FDS simulations
STF006COOK COUNTY ADMINSTRATION BUILDING FIRECook County building fire, heat release rate experiments and FDS simulations
STF007FLASHOVERScotch pine tree, Sofa/living room & open floor plan office workstations
STF008FLASHOVERScotch pine tree, Sofa/living room & open floor plan office workstations
STF009ONE-STORY RESTAURANT FIRESimulation of the dynamics of a fire in a one story restaurant- texas, February 14, 2000
STF010ONE-STORY RESTAURANT FIRESimulation of the dynamics of a fire in a one story restaurant- texas, February 14, 2000
STF011SIMULATION OF THE DYNAMICS OF A FIRE IN A RESTAURANTFire on a one-story restaurant- Texas, February 14, 2000
STF012SIMULATION OF THE DYNAMICS OF A FIRE IN A DUPLEXFire in a two-story duplex - Iowa, December 22, 1999
STF013SIMULATION OF THE DYNAMICS OF A FIRE IN A TWO-STORY DUPLEXTow-story duplex - Iowa, December 22, 1999
STF014SIMULATION OF THE DYNAMICS OF A FIRE IN A TWO-STORY DUPLEXTow-story duplex - Iowa, December 22, 1999
STF015SIMULATION OF THE DYNAMICS OF A FIRE IN A TWO-STORY DUPLEXTow-story duplex - Iowa, December 22, 1999
STF016SIMULATION OF THE DYNAMICS OF THE FIRE AT CHERRY ROADFire at 3146 Cherry Road NE, Washington D.C., May 30, 1999
STF020THE ART OF READING SMOKEOften, smoke issuung from a building is the only clue available to predict fire behavior and the likelihood of a flashover or rapid fire spread. First-arriving officers must read smoke before choosing attack tactical priorities! Incident Commanders & Safety Officers must know how to rapidly read smoke in order to keep firefighters within an acceptable risk-profile.In this video instructor Dave Dodson explains: Why do we read smoke?; The "advanced" basics of reading smoke; Hostile fire events & warning signs; The "reading smoke" process; Tricks and short-cuts. This video includes several practice examples so you can test your smoke-reading abilities. Complete with live-action clips, you'll find real-world examples that can apply to many situations. Live action footage shot by noted videographer Ed Gray.
STF021THE ART OF READING SMOKEOften, smoke issuung from a building is the only clue available to predict fire behavior and the likelihood of a flashover or rapid fire spread. First-arriving officers must read smoke before choosing attack tactical priorities! Incident Commanders & Safety Officers must know how to rapidly read smoke in order to keep firefighters within an acceptable risk-profile.In this video instructor Dave Dodson explains: Why do we read smoke?; The "advanced" basics of reading smoke; Hostile fire events & warning signs; The "reading smoke" process; Tricks and short-cuts. This video includes several practice examples so you can test your smoke-reading abilities. Complete with live-action clips, you'll find real-world examples that can apply to many situations. Live action footage shot by noted videographer Ed Gray.
STF022COLLAPSE CAUSES AND TYPESThis program includes: Non-fire related causes of building collapse, Major types of collapse, and Reading the collapse wreckage. Old #246
STF023WALL COLLAPSEThis DVD is based on observing hundreds of fires and how firefighters are as likely to get killed outside a burning building as inside. The video describes different kinds of walls, the three ways they collapse, how far they fall, establishing danger zones, and the proper use of fire streams. In addition, the video describes the responsibilities of officers and firefighters.
STF024PEAKED ROOF COLLAPSEThe peaked roof is the most common and dangerous for firefighters. This DVD features analysis and case studies of types of peaked roofs, as well as the construction and types of collapses that can occur. In addition, the DVD covers fire hazard protection, hazard avoidance, roof slope and pitch, and the safety procedures necessary for working on or around peaked roof structures.
STF025TRUSS ROOF COLLAPSETruss roofs are the cause of many deaths and serious injuries, and their use is increasing. This DVD covers case studies, definitions and terms, lightweight and timber trusses, construction features, conflicting size-ups, and safe operating procedures.
STF026FLOOR COLLAPSEThis DVD features analysis and case studies of floor collapse, floor deck failure, and floor beam support for floor systems. It also identifies warning signs of collapse and outlines evacuation scenarios.
STF028RAPID INTERVENTION: EXTERIOR & INTERIOR OPERATIONSExterior: Describes the need for rapid intervention teams, how they are structured, how they are equipped, and how they function outside of burning buildings. Objectives: To define what a Rapid Intervention Team is.; To examine why Rapid Intervention Teams are needed.; To show what a properly equipped Rapid Intervention Team is.; To describe how a Rapid Intervention Team functions outside of the hazard zone.; To describe typical Mayday procedures.; & To Show what happens when a Mayday is declared. Interior: Shows how rapid intervention teams function inside of burning buildings to locate, assess, and rescue firefighters in distress. Objectives: To show how a Rapid Intervention Team functions inside the hazard zone.; To describe how Rapid Intervention Teams locate firefighters in distress.; To show how to perform an initial assessment of a downed firefighter.; To describe air-supply considerations for trapped firefighters.; & To show a variety of rescue techniques.
STF029ADVANCING THE INITIAL ATTACK HANDLINEDVD This video examines the safe and effective movement of the handline team into the fire area; coordinating the attack with the ventilation team; and the methods for keeping the handline moving, with an emphasis on intercompany communication.
STF030PEAKED ROOF VENTILATIONDVD Lieutenant Bob Pressler discusses roof styles offten encountered by fire personnel, equipment needs, roof acess, and types of cuts required for successful ventilation. Fireground safety procedures are constantly addressed, along with proper tool use and roof movement.
STF031METHODS OF STRUCTURE FIRE ATTACKDVD What is the best method of attcking struture fires? This question generates one of the most heated debates in the fire service. This video covers the thress most widely recognized methods of structure fire attacks -- the indirect, direct and combination methods - - to help you decide which is the safest and most effective for your operations.
STF032COLLAPSE SEARCH & RESCUEHow to use the collapse rescue plan to search for buried victims at a structural collapse.
STF033BUILDING CONSTRUCTION & FIRE SPREADHow to size-up a burning building.
STF034BUILDING CONSTRUCTION & FAÇADE COLLAPSEHow to identify façade collapse dangers during a structural fire and how to safely extinguish a fire.
STF035STRETCHING THE INITIAL ATTACK HANDLINEDVD This video identifies such important considerations as horizontal vs. vertical stretches and load, a formula for estimating accurate hose lengths based on the building and stair configurations, and how they affect the stretch.
STF036SEARCH & RESCUE IN PRIVATE DWELLINGS, THE SEARCH PLANCaptain Bill Gistin, 27 year veteran of the fire service, gives you important information to accomplish the search & rescue mission in private & multi-family dwellings. Learn how to plan your searches, coorinate them with other fiireground tasks, adapt them to changing conditions, & execute them as safely as possiblie. Part 1 includes the elements that make for an effective search plan .
STF037SEARCH & RESCUE IN PRIVATE DWELLINGS, OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONSCaptain Bill Gustin, a 27-year veteran of the fire service, gives you important information to accomplish the search & rescue mission in private & multi-family dwellings. Learn how to plan your searches, coordinate them with other fireground tasks, adapt them to changing conditions & execute them as safely as possible. Part 2 includes fireground coordination, communications, & tactics & procedures.
STF039SEARCH AND RESCUE IN PRIVATE DWELLINGS PART 2: OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONSDVD Captain Bill Gustin, a 27-year veteran of the fire service, gives you important information to accomplish the search & rescue mission in private & multi-family dwellings. Learn how to plan your searches, coordinate them with other fireground tasks, adapt them to changing conditions & execute them as safely as possible. Part 2 includes fireground coordination, communications, & tactics & procedures.
STF040BACKDRAFT & SMOKE EXPLOSIONS AND MASTER STREAM SAFETYBackdraft & smoke explosions: Superheated smoke is strong enough to push back the attack team and injure personnel. Chief Dunn helps you identify its causes and warning signs, and d shows you how to prtect yourself and your department personnel from injuries. Mast Stream Safety: This video describes the safe use of one of the most important tools in the fire service, the master stream. Chief Dunn discusses general safety rules for master stream use and the safe transition from interior to exterior attack.
STF041FLASHOVERDVD Flashover is both dramic and deadly. Learn from Deputy Chief Vincent Dunn, FDNY, when flashover occurs and safely techniques that can prevent or delay this dangerous event.
STF042COLLAPSE RESCUE FOR THE FIRE SERVICEThis series is a timely statement that considers nationally publicized collapses, including those caused by natural disasters, terrorism, and fire. These videos cover construction and collapse knowledge, as well as incidnet planning and operational procedures. Part !: Building Construction; Part 2: Collapse causes and types; Part 3: Strategic considerations of structural collapse: bonus video: Rescue operational Planning: factors for success
STF044RAPID INTERVENTION: EXTERIOR OPERATIONS Describes the need for rapid intervention teams, how they are structured, how they are equipped, and how they function outside of burning buildings. Objectives: To define what a Rapid Intervention Team is.; To examine why Rapid Intervention Teams are needed.; To show what a properly equipped Rapid Intervention Team is.; To describe how a Rapid Intervention Team functions outside of the hazard zone.; To describe typical Mayday procedures.; & To Show what happens when a Mayday is declared.
STF045RAPID INTERVENTION: INTERIOR OPERATIONSShows how rapid intervention teams function inside of burning buildings to locate, assess, and rescue firefighters in distress. Objectives: To show how a Rapid Intervention Team functions inside the hazard zone.; To describe how Rapid Intervention Teams locate firefighters in distress.; To show how to perform an initial assessment of a downed firefighter.; To describe air-supply considerations for trapped firefighters.; & To show a variety of rescue techniques.
STF046THE ART OF READING SMOKE PRACTICE SESSIONSIn this compainion to The Art of Reading Smoke, instructor Dave Dodson presents seven real-world scenarios involing residential, commercial, and mixed-sue structres to help hone your smoke-reading skills. Using his process taught in orignal DVD, you are given the opportunity to read the incident, then instructor Dodson walks you through the scenario. The "reading smoke" process is an invaluable skill for any firefighter, from the probie on up.
STF047THE ART OF READING SMOKE PRACTICE SESSIONSIn this compainion to The Art of Reading Smoke, instructor Dave Dodson presents seven real-world scenarios involing residential, commercial, and mixed-sue structres to help hone your smoke-reading skills. Using his process taught in orignal DVD, you are given the opportunity to read the incident, then instructor Dodson walks you through the scenario. The "reading smoke" process is an invaluable skill for any firefighter, from the probie on up.
STF048THE ART OF READING SMOKEOften, smoke issuung from a building is the only clue available to predict fire behavior and the likelihood of a flashover or rapid fire spread. First-arriving officers must read smoke before choosing attack tactical priorities! Incident Commanders & Safety Officers must know how to rapidly read smoke in order to keep firefighters within an acceptable risk-profile.In this video instructor Dave Dodson explains: Why do we read smoke?; The "advanced" basics of reading smoke; Hostile fire events & warning signs; The "reading smoke" process; Tricks and short-cuts. This video includes several practice examples so you can test your smoke-reading abilities. Complete with live-action clips, you'll find real-world examples that can apply to many situations. Live action footage shot by noted videographer Ed Gray.
STF049PRINCIPLES OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION "NONCOMBUSTIBLE"This program consists of three Cd's, the first disk contains the pages of the Student Manual and Instructor Guide. Each of the unit modes are noted as separate folders. The second and third disk contains the course slides in a Power Point Presentation. The disk contains the course slides in a format suitable for making 35mm slide reproductions.
STF050ICS-STRIP MALL HOSTAGE/ARSON FIREVERSION 2.0 This scenario exposes the student to Unified Command with some unique considerations. Initially, it is a police problem and fire assumes a secondary role. After the situation is stabilized, fire assumes a lead role. Many of the considerations and actions are not encountered in day-to-day operations.
STF051ICS-STRIP MALL HOSTAGE/ARSON FIREVERSION 2.0 This scenario exposes the student to Unified Command with some unique considerations. Initially, it is a police problem and fire assumes a secondary role. After the situation is stabilized, fire assumes a lead role. Many of the considerations and actions are not encountered in day-to-day operations.
STF052ICS-TOWNHOUSE FIREVERSION 1.0 The student is presented with a more complexfire and rescue problem in this simulation; one that might commonly be found in a townhose, row house, garden apartment, or condominium.
STF053ICS-TOWNHOUSE FIREVERSION 1.0 The student is presented with a more complexfire and rescue problem in this simulation; one that might commonly be found in a townhose, row house, garden apartment, or condominium.
STF054ICS-RANCH HOUSE FIREVERSION 1.0 This simulation involves a scenario depicting a single-story, single-family dwelling and presents the student with a "room and contents" fire and basic rescue problem.
STF055ICS-RANCH HOUSE FIREVERSION 1.0 This simulation involves a scenario depicting a single-story, single-family dwelling and presents the student with a "room and contents" fire and basic rescue problem.
STF056ICS-MANSION FIREVERSION 1.0 A simulation depicting a very large, multi-story, single-family dwelling presenting fire spread and ventilation issues and a more complex rescue scenario. Due to the resource intensity of this incident, the student is given a second-alarm assignment.
STF057ICS-MANSION FIREVERSION 1.0 A simulation depicting a very large, multi-story, single-family dwelling presenting fire spread and ventilation issues and a more complex rescue scenario. Due to the resource intensity of this incident, the student is given a second-alarm assignment.
STF058ICS-CASPER HALL DORMVERSION 2.0 The student is presented with a fire in a six-story college dormitory. This is an occupied building of ordinary construction that presents a severe rescue problem, in addition to some ventilation and confinement challenges.
STF059ICS-CASPER HALL DORMVERSION 2.0 The student is presented with a fire in a six-story college dormitory. This is an occupied building of ordinary construction that presents a severe rescue problem, in addition to some ventilation and confinement challenges.
STF060ICS-TUTORIALVersion 2.0 This CD provides the student with an overview of basic strategy and tactics, and addresses the command skills that officers need to understand and use effectively.
STF061FLASHOVER SURVIVAL TRAININGCONTENTS: Instructor's Guide; Flashover Slideshow
STF062FLASHOVER IISprinklered and non-sprinklered college dormitory room fires.
STF063STRUCTURAL COLLAPSEThis CD includes videos and reports ---Phoenix Fire Department
STF064STRUCTURALCOLLAPSE DVD VIDEOS AND REPORTSThis CD includes videos and reports ---Phoenix Fire Department
STF069RAPID INTERVENTION: EXTERIOR OPERATIONSDescribes the need for rapid intervention teams, how they are structured, how they are equipped and how they function outside of burning buildings. Learning Objectives: To define what a rapid intervention team is. To examine why rapid intervention teams are needed. To show what a properly equipped rapid intervention team is. To describe how a rapid intervention team functions outside of the hazard zone. To describe typical mayday procedures. To show what happens when a mayday is declared.
STF070RAPID INTERVENTION: INTERIOR OPERATIONSShows how Rapid Intervention Teams function inside of burning buildings to locate, assess, and rescue firefighters in distress.
STF071PEAKED ROOF VENTILATIONLieutenant Bob Pressler discusses roof styles often encountered by fire personnel, equipment needs, roof access, and types of cuts required for successful ventilation. Fireground safety procedures are constantly addressed, along with proper tool use and roof movement.
STF072STRETCHING THE INITIAL ATTACK HANDLINEThis video identifies such important considerations as horizontal vs. vertical stretches and load, a formula for estimating accurate hose lengths based on the building and stair configurations, and how they affect the stretch.
STF073ADVANCING THE INITIAL ATTACK HANDLINEThis video examines the safe and effective movement of the handline team into the fire area; coordinating the attack with the ventilation team; and the methods for keeping the handline moving, with an emphasis on intercompany communication.
STF074METHODS OF STRUCTURE FIRE ATTACKWhat is the best method of attacking structure fires? This question generates one of the most heated debates in the fire service. This video covers the three most widely recognized methods of structure fire attack- the indirect, direct, and combination methods- to help you decide which is the safest and most effective for your operations.
STF075SEARCH AND RESCUE IN PRIVATE DWELLINGS PART 1: THE SEARCH PLANCaptain Bill Gustin, a veteran of the fire service, gives you important information to accomplish the search and rescue mission in private, and multi-family dwellings. Learn how to plan your searchs, coordinate them with other fireground tasks, adapt them to changing conditions, and execute them aas safely as possible. Part 1 includes the elements that make for an effective search plan.
STF076SEARCH AND RESCUE IN PRIVATE DWELLING PART 2: OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONSCaptain Bill Gustin, a veteran of the fire service, gives you important information to accomplish the search and rescue mission in private and multi-family dwellings. Learn how to plan your searches, coordinate them with other fireground tasks, adapt them to changing conditions, and execute them as safely as possible. Part 2 includes fireground coordination, communications, and tactics and procedures.
STF077WOOD FRAME BUILDING COLLAPSEThe Wood Frame Building Collapse DVD discusses types of collapse and their causes, fire spread, case studies, special dangers, porch and chimney collapse, and protection concerning this most common U.S. building.
STF078FLOOR COLLAPSEThis segment of the Collapse of Burning Buildings DVD Training Program features analysis and case studies of floor collapse, floor deck failure, and floor beam support for floor systems. It is also identifies warning signs of collapse and outlines firefighter evacuation scenarios.
STF079TRUSS ROOF COLLAPSETruss roofs are the cause of many deaths and serious injuries, and their use is increasing. This DVD covers case studies, definitions and terms, lightweight and timber trusses, construction features, conflicting size-ups, and safe operating procedures.
STF080PEAKED ROOF COLLAPSEThe peaked roof is the most common and danerous for firefighters. This DVD features analysis and case studies of types of peaked roofs, as well as the construction and the types of collapses that can occur. In addition, the DVD covers fire hazard protection, hazard avoidance, roof slope and pitch, and the safety procedures necessary for working on or around peaked roof structures.
STF081WALL COLLAPSEThis DVD is based on observing hundreds of fires and how firefighters are as likely to get killed outside a burning building as inside. The video describes different kinds of walls, the three ways they collapse, how far they fall, establishing danger zones, and the proper use of fire streams. In addition, the video describes the responsibilities of officers and firefighters.
STF082FLASHOVER!Flashover is both dramatic and deadly. Learn from Deputy Chief Vincent Dunn(Ret.), FDNY, when flashover occurs and safety techniques that can prevent or delay this dangerous event.
STF083BACKDRAFT & SMOKE EXPLOSIONS AND MASTER STREAM SAFETYSuperheated smoke is strong enough to push back the attack team and injure personnel. Chief Dunn helps you identify its causes and warning signs, and shows you how to prtect yourself and your department personnel from injuries. This video describes the safe use of one of the most important tools in the fire service, the master stream use and the safe transition from interion to exterior attack.
STF084COLLAPSE RESCUE FOR THE FIRE SERVICEPart 1- Building Construction Part 2 - Collapse Causes and Types part 3 - Strategic Considerations of Structural Collapse. This series is a timely statement that considers nationally publicized collapses, including those caused by natural disasters, terrorism, and fire. These videos cover construction and collapse knowledge, as well as incident planning and operational procedures.
STF085THE ART OF READING SMOKE PRACTICE SESSIONSIn this compainion to The Art of Reading Smoke, instructor Dave Dodson presents seven real-world scenarios involing residential, commercial, and mixed-sue structres to help hone your smoke-reading skills. Using his process taught in orignal DVD, you are given the opportunity to read the incident, then instructor Dodson walks you through the scenario. The "reading smoke" process is an invaluable skill for any firefighter, from the probie on up.
STF086THE ART OF READING SMOKE VOLUME 3In this DVD, Chief Dave Dodson presents eight real-world examples involving residental, commerical, and mixed-use structures to help hone your smoke-reading skills. These four rapid recognition drills and four full scenarios give you the opportuntiy to read the smoke and discuss what the smokeis telling you, each followed by explanation and commentary be Chief Dodson. The "reading smoke" process is an incaluable skill for any firefighter, from probie on up.
STF087THE ART OF READING SMOKE VOLUME 3In this DVD, Chief Dave Dodson presents eight real-world examples involving residental, commerical, and mixed-use structures to help hone your smoke-reading skills. These four rapid recognition drills and four full scenarios give you the opportuntiy to read the smoke and discuss what the smokeis telling you, each followed by explanation and commentary be Chief Dodson. The "reading smoke" process is an incaluable skill for any firefighter, from probie on up.
STF088THE ART OF READING SMOKE VOLUME 3In this DVD, Chief Dave Dodson presents eight real-world examples involving residental, commerical, and mixed-use structures to help hone your smoke-reading skills. These four rapid recognition drills and four full scenarios give you the opportuntiy to read the smoke and discuss what the smokeis telling you, each followed by explanation and commentary be Chief Dodson. The "reading smoke" process is an incaluable skill for any firefighter, from probie on up.
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