ESS: Essentials

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ESS001Essentials of Firefighting- Firefighter Safety :Part 1Presents an overview of fire department and firefighter responsibilities under NFPA 1500. Describes the Incident Command System, control zones at emergency response scenes and how to meet physical demands of the job through fitnesss and wellnes programs.
ESS002Essentials of Firefighting - Firefighter Safety:Part 2Discusses standard operating procedures and the importance of teamwork. Describe accountability systems and on-scene rehabilitation nad their importance to safety. Presents survival methods for firefighters who become disoriented or trapped in fires. Ifentifies safe procedures for riding fire apparatus, working on roadway emergency scenes, shutting off utilites at an emergency scene and responding to electrical emergenices.
ESS003Essetnials of Firefighting- Fire BehaviorDescribes the science of fire and combustion, the Fire Tetrahedron, states of fuel, pyrolysis and vaporization. Identifies types of heat energy, methods of heat transfer, the stages of compartment fire development, the products of combustion, factors in fire development and dangerous fire conditions for firefighters.
ESS004Essentials of Firefighting- SCBA 1:IntroductionPresents the functions of each component of the SCBA system, safety features of various types of SCBA, limitations of SCBA and hazardous environments that require resiratory protection.
ESS005Essentials of Firefighting- SCBA 2: Use & MaintenanceDemonstrates correct SCBA donning and doffing techniques, inspection and care procedures, how to change cylinders at an emergency scene and safety precautions and rules for using SCBA in emergency situations.
ESS006Essentials of Firefighting - Personal Protective ClothingLists the elements of complete protective ensemble worn by firefighters and describes the functions and specifications for each element of personal protective clothing. Describes special clothing situations, firefighter responsibilities for care and maintenance of turnout gear and safety requirements for work uniforms and safety shoes.
ESS007Essentials of Firefighting- Portable ExtinguishersDesigned to be used in public education programs as well as fire service training. Presents the classification and rating system used for extinguishers, types of hand-held extinguishers and how to select the correct extingusher for a fire. Presents steps for operating portable extinguishers and demonstrates how to extinguish fires using the most common types of extinguishers. Discusses extinguisher maintenance and demonstrates extinguisher inspection.
ESS008Essentials of Firefighting- Ropes & KnotsPresents types, ratings and uses for fire service rope. Describes rope materials and construction, methods for inspecting rope and how to maintain and store rope. Demonstrates six basic knots used by firefighters and methods for hoisting equipment.
ESS009Essentials of Firefighting- Fire Control 1Discusses basic fire control strategies and safety. Demonstrates how to advance a charged attack line into a structure fire, three methods of water application, master stream devices, basic fire suppressiontactics for Class B fires, and techniques for suppressing vehicle fires and other exterior fires.
ESS010Essentials of Firefighting- Ladders 1Defines basic ladder terminology and discusses ladder types and their uses on the fireground. Demonstrates ladder maintenance and inspections, how to select the correct ladder for the task and basics in ladder handling.
ESS011Essentials of Firefighting- Ladders 2Shows factors that affect ground-ladder placement, correct ladder placement to meet specific objectives and ladder raises for one, two and three firefighters. Demonstrates procedures for securing ladders, methods for climbing ladders and how to place a roof ladder.
ESS012Essentials of Firefighting- Ventilation Basics & Horizontal ProceduresDescirbes the fundamentals of ventilation, including benefits and safety concerns, especially backdraft and flashover. Describes horizontal and vertical ventilation, postive pressure, negative pressure and hydraulic ventilation. Demonstrates horizontal ventilation procedures.
ESS013Essentials of Firefighting- Vertical VentilationDescribes safety procautions for rooftop operations, roof types and construction and their impact in vertical ventialtion. Shows how to determine the integrity of a roof system and basic indictors of roof collapse. Demonstrates methods for opening flat and pitched roofs using a variety of techniques.
ESS014Essentials of Firefighting - Fire Hose BasicsShows fire hose construction, sizes, uses, basic hose maintenance and how to prevent hose damage. Identifies types of hose coupling, tools and appliances and demonstrates hose-roll methods.
ESS015Essentials of Firefighting - Handling HosePresents guidelines for loading hose and basic types of hose loads and finishes. Demonstrates common hoselays and methods for coupling and uncoupling hose.
ESS016Essentials of Firefighting - Advancing HoselinesDemonstrates how to pull and carry hose from a pumper to the fire location for a variety of hoseloads. Shows how to advance hose into structures and in stairways, from a standpipe and up a ladder and how to hoist hose. Describes how to extend a section of hose and how to retrieve a loose hoseline. Shows basic procedures for operating and controlling attack lines.
ESS017Essentials of Firefighting- Fire StreamsIdentifies basic sizes and types of fire streams and advantages and disadvantages of each type. Shows the use and maintenace of different types of nozzles. Defines "water hammer" and shows how to prevent it.
ESS018Essentials of Firefighting - Forcible EntryIdentifies forcible entry tools and how they should be used and maintained. Demonstrates procedures for through-the-lock entry on doors and forced entry through different types of doors and windows.
ESS019Essentials of Firefighting - Fire Detection, Alarams & CommunicationsPresents methods and technologies for receivingalarms from public. Shows the basic components of fire alarm and smoke detection systems. Presents an overview of the communications center and systems for dispatching fire department personnel to an emergency. Demonstrates good radio procedures and porcedures for routine and emergency communications.
ESS020Essentials of Firefighting - Lighting & Power SourceDescribes types of lighting used in the fire service, auxiliary electrical equipment and power plants. Reviews safety considerations for using lighting and electrical equipment. Demonstrates how to set up electrical equipment, illuminate the emergency scene and maintenance of lighting and portable power plants.
ESS021Essentials of Firefighting - Property Conservation: SalvagePresents the benefits of good salvage operations to the public and the fire department. Demonstrates the procedures for storing and deploying salvage covers, how to construct a water chute and catchall using salvage covers and how to cover openings in the roof, windows and doors to protect the property from secondary damage.
ESS022Essentials of Firefighting - Property Conservation: OverhaulPresents indicators of structural instability and procedures for finding hiden fires. Describes procedures for opening concealesd spaces, extinguishing hidden fires, preserving evidence and restoring the premises after a fire.
ESS023Essentials of Firefighting- Sprinkler SystemDescribes the effectiveness of sprinkler systems in saving life and property. Describes how sprinklers work and presents different types of sprinkler systems, components of sprinkler systems and the locations and appearance of control and operating valves. Describes considerations for responding to fires in protected buildings.
ESS024Essentials of Firefighting- Building ConstructionDescribes construction classifications used in most building, codes and the role of fire resistance ratings. Describes the characteristics and fire behavior of five types of construction, defines building construction terms, the effects of fire and fire suppression activities on various building materials. Identifies the signs of dangerous building conditions, such as heavy fire loads and building collapse.
ESS025Essentials of Firefighting - Rescue OperationsDemonstrates how to move injured victims using carries, drags, and stretchers. Presents various types of rescue tools and the dangers of vehcile restraint systems. Demonstrates methods to extricate an entrapped victim from a vehicle.
ESS026Essentials of Firefighting - Advanced VentilationPresents the factors affecting ventilation decisions. Shows precautions against upsetting vertical ventilation, methods for ventilating a basement or windowless building and special ventilation considerations of highrise buildings.
ESS027Essentials of Firefighting - Water SupplyExplains the components of water supplies for fire department operations, the operation of different types of hydrants and how to service test fire hose.
ESS028Essentials of Firefighting - Fire Control 2Demonstrates fire control tactics for difficult fires, including a large, exterior Class B fire, fires in upper levels of structures, fires below grade, fires in energized electrical equipment and fires involving a flammable gas cyclinder.
ESS029Essentials of Firefighting - Foam Fire StreamsDescribes trhe fundamentals of foam, including how foam is generated, how it extinguishes or suppresses fires, types of foam proportioners, nozzles and other foam generating systems and various types of foam. Demonstrates how to assemble a foam fire stream using an eductor. Features troubleshooting tips for foam operations.
ESS030Essentials of Firefighting - Fire Hose AppliancesShows different types of fire hose appliances, including valves, valve devices, fitting and intake devices. Identifies the correct type of appliances to be used in specific fire ground operations. Demonstrates how to clean and maintain hose appliances.
ESS031Essentials of Firefighting - Fire Origin & CausePresents the firefighter's role in fire cause determination from first alarm to final overhaul. Shows how to secure the fire scene pending an investigation and describes legal considerations of fire cause determination. Demonstrates how to safeguard evidence at the scene.
ESS032Essentials of Firefighting - Pre-Incident & Fire Safety SurveysPresents the firefighter's role in fire prevention and preparedness. Demonstrates steps for conducting pre-incident surveys. Identifies common hazards found in occupancies and shows how to inspect fire protection systems for readiness.
ESS033Essentials of Firefighting - Fire Prevention & Public EducationExplains the importance of fire prevention and public education to the fire department and to the community. Demonstrates how to conduct a residential fire safety survey, describes common fire and life safety hazards in the home, how to present fire safety information to small groups and how to conduct station tours.
ESS104FIREGROUND SAFETYPresents systems and methods for improving fireground safety including: standard operating procedures, an incident management system, and a personnel accountability system. Demonstrates how to safely shut off utilities, and safety procedures to use at electrical emergencies.
ESS105SAFETY STANDARDS FOR THE FIRE SERVICEPresents an overview of a firefighter's safety responsibilities required by NFPA 1500. Demonstrates universally accepted safety procedures and equipment used in line of duty.
ESS106FIRE BEHAVIORDescribes fire and the burning process and presents the three methods of heat transfer. Identifies the stages of compartment fire development and the factors that affect fire development. Shows fire conditions that can occur during fire growth and development such as backdraft.
ESS107SCBA1 : INTRODUCTIONPresents the components, function and safety features of various types of SCBA. Limitations of the equipment are also presented as well as an overview of the hazardous environments that require SCBA use.
ESS108SCBA 2: USE & MAINTENANCEDemonstrates correct procedures for donning and doffing SCBA and shows how to change cylinders at an emergency scene. Presents inspection and maintenance tasks as well as safety precautions for using SCBA in emergency situations.
ESS109PERSONAL PROTECTIVE CLOTHINGPresents the identification and function of protective clothing used in fireground operations and hazardous materials incidents. Demonstrates correct methods for using and caring for protective clothing as well as the limits of protection.
ESS110PORTABLE EXTINGUISHERSDesigned to be used in public programs as well as in fire serivce training. Defines the rating system, demonstrates inspection techniques and shows how to select and use the correct type of portable extinguisher for the type of fire.
ESS111ROPES & KNOTSPresents different types of rope, how to identify rope types, and correct procedures for maintaining, inspecting, and storing rope. Demonstrates how to tie the six knots required by NFPA 1001.
ESS112FIRE CONTROL 1Demonstrates correct initial attack operations in single-story occupancies. Presents operations in various types of fires including: Class A combustibles (exterior & interior), Class B exterior, vehicle fires, and Class A storage container fires.
ESS113LADDERS 1Identifies ladder parts and terms. Basic ladder types and use defined. Demonstrates basic ladder handling methods.
ESS114LADDERS 2Shows correct ladder placement. Demonstrates general procedures for raising and climbing ladders. Presents safety procedures when working with ladders.
ESS115HORIZONTAL VENTILATIONPresents the principles and advantages of horizontal, mechanical, and hydraulic ventilation. Shows the signs, causes, effects, and prevention of brackdraft. Demonstrates how to safely and properly set up horizontal ventilation equipment.
ESS116VERTICAL VENTILATIONPresents various types of common roof construction. Demonstrates the techniques and safety precautions for venting flat and pitched roofs using hand and power tools. Shows how to determine the integrity of a roof system including the basic indicators of potential collapse. Presents the advantages and disadvantages of vertical and trench/strip ventilation.
ESS117FIRE HOSE BASICSShows fire hose construction, size, uses, general care, maintenance, and how to prevent damage. Identifies hose couplings, hose appliances and tools. Demonstrates hose roll methods.
ESS118HANDLING HOSEShows various types of hose loads and finishes. Presents three basic hose lays. Demonstrates methods of coupling and uncoupling hose.
ESS119ADVANCING HOSELINESDemonstrates how to pull and carry hose from a pumper to the fire location, advance hoselines into final position for applying water, how to extend a section of hose and how to retrieve a loose hoseline. Shows methods for operating and controlling medium and large diameter hoseline.
ESS120FIRE STREAMSPresents different types of fire streams and the pros and cons. Shows use and maintenance of various types of fire hose nozzles. Defines "water hammer" and shows how to prevent it.
ESS121FORCIBLE ENTRYIdentifies forcible entry tools and how they should be used and maintained. Presents how to do "through the lock" entry on different types of doors. Demonstrates various methods of forced entry through three types of doors and three types of windows.
ESS122FIRE DETECTION, ALARMS & COMMUNICATIONSPresents several methods of receiving alarms from the public. Identifies methods of alerting fire departments personnel of an emergency and how to use communication equipment at the station and on the fireground. Presents the operation of several types of alarm-initiating devices, including smoke detectors.
ESS123POWER TOOLS & LIGHTING EQUIPMENTPresents safety guidelines for operating power tools used in forcible entry, rescue, and ventilation. Demonstrates safety principles and practices for operating various types of portable power supply. Shows how to correctly set up electrical equipment to illuminate an emergency scene.
ESS124LOSS CONTROL: SALVAGEPresents the benefits of salvage to the public and the fire department. Demonstrates use of salvage covers in salvage operations. Shows care and maintenance of salvage equipment.
ESS125LOSS CONTROL: OVERHAULIdentifies procedures and safety precautions to follow during overhaul. Describes several indicators of structural instability. Demonstrates procedures for restoring premises after a fire.
ESS126FIRE PREVENTION & PUBLIC EDUCATIONPresents the importance of fire safety and public education programs to fire department public relations. Demonstrates how to preform a fire safety survey in a private dwelling. Presents a school fire prevention program. Identifies standard types of chimneys and flues and presents common fire hazards associated with each.
ESS127BUILDING CONSTRUCTIONDescribes basic structural characteristics of several types of building construction. Identifies dangerous building conditions created by fire and fire suppression activities. Explains the indicators to look for in a potential building collapse.
ESS129ADVANCED VENTILATIONPresents the considerations that must be made when determining the location and size of ventilation opening. Demonstrates how to properly ventilate a basement, and it shows the special ventilation problems encountered when performing ventilation in high-rise buildings.
ESS130MUNICIPAL WATER SYSTEMExplains the components of a modern water system, operation of different types of hydrants and presents how certain conditions can reduce the effectiveness of a hydrant. Defines terms relating to water supply pressure.
ESS131FIRE CONTROL 2Presents informtation and demonstrations of extinguishing and controlling live fires, including an ignitable liquid fire, and fires in upper levels or below grade. Demonstrates fire control methods for energized electrical components. Presents control tactics for a fire involving a flammable gas cylinder.
ESS132FOAM FIRE STREAMSIdentifies the four ways that foam extinguishes or prevents fire. Defines how foam is produced and details the characteristics of several common types of foam. Demonstrates how to assemble a foam fire stream system.
ESS133FIRE HOSE APPLIANCESShows how to select the proper nozzle and hose for various fire attack situations. Identifies the correct adapters and appliances to be used in specific fire ground situations. Describes and demonstrates the operation of fog and solid stream nozzles.
ESS134SPRINKLER SYSTEMSDescribes various types of sprinkler systems and how they operate. Presents several sources of water supply for sprinkler systems. Identifies the location and appearance of controls and operating valves for a sprinkler system.
ESS135FIRE ORIGIN & CAUSEPresents the firefighter's role in fire cause determination. Shows how to secure the scene pending investigation. Describes the legal considerations of fire cause determination in the United States.
ESS136PRE-INCIDENT SURVEY INSPECTIONSDemonstrates how to conduct pre-incident fire inspections and fire safety surveys and shows how to prepare written documentation for each. Identifies common fire hazards found in occupancies subject to fire company inspection. Shows how to inspect fire protection systems for readiness.
ESS137PORTABLE EXTINGUISHERSDesigned to be used in public programs as well as in fire serivce training. Defines the rating system, demonstrates inspection techniques and shows how to select and use the correct type of portable extinguisher for the type of fire.
ESS143ESSENTIALS OF FIREFIGHTING - FFI & FFII3 Disks The presentations on these disks correspond exactly to the lessons in Firefighter I and Firefighter II of the Essentials 4th Edition Curriculum.
ESS144ESSENTIALS VIDEO CLIPS - ROPES & KNOTSThe Essentials of Fire Fighting Video Clips are designed to provide the firefighter candidate with the information needed to meet the fire-related performance objectives in NFPA1001, Levels I and II. Chapter 6 : Ropes & Knots
ESS148ESSENTIALS IV CURRICULUMEssentials of Firefighting curriculum.
ESS149ESSENTIALS IV CURRICULUMEssentials of Firefighting curriculum.
ESS150ESSENTIALS IV CURRICULUMThe instructional materials ( lesson plans, test, visuals, Powerpoint, presentations, student applications, and the study, administrative, and tracking aids) on this disc are taken directly form the published Essentials of Fire Fighting, 4th ed. Curriculum and its accompanying Powerpoint Visaul.
ESS151ESSENTIALS IV CURRICULUMThe instructional materials ( lesson plans, test, visuals, Powerpoint, presentations, student applications, and the study, administrative, and tracking aids) on this disc are taken directly form the published Essentials of Fire Fighting, 4th ed. Curriculum and its accompanying Powerpoint Visaul.
ESS152ESSENTIALS IV CURRICULUMThe instructional materials ( lesson plans, test, visuals, Powerpoint, presentations, student applications, and the study, administrative, and tracking aids) on this disc are taken directly form the published Essentials of Fire Fighting, 4th ed. Curriculum and its accompanying Powerpoint Visaul.
ESS153ESSENTIALS IV CURRICULUMThe instructional materials ( lesson plans, test, visuals, Powerpoint, presentations, student applications, and the study, administrative, and tracking aids) on this disc are taken directly form the published Essentials of Fire Fighting, 4th ed. Curriculum and its accompanying Powerpoint Visaul.
ESS154ESSENTIALS IV CURRICULUMThe instructional materials ( lesson plans, test, visuals, Powerpoint, presentations, student applications, and the study, administrative, and tracking aids) on this disc are taken directly form the published Essentials of Fire Fighting, 4th ed. Curriculum and its accompanying Powerpoint Visaul.
ESS155ESSENTIALS IV CURRICULUMThe instructional materials ( lesson plans, test, visuals, Powerpoint, presentations, student applications, and the study, administrative, and tracking aids) on this disc are taken directly form the published Essentials of Fire Fighting, 4th ed. Curriculum and its accompanying Powerpoint Visaul.
ESS156ESSENTIALS IV CURRICULUMThe instructional materials ( lesson plans, test, visuals, Powerpoint, presentations, student applications, and the study, administrative, and tracking aids) on this disc are taken directly form the published Essentials of Fire Fighting, 4th ed. Curriculum and its accompanying Powerpoint Visaul.
ESS157ESSENTIALS IV CURRICULUMThe instructional materials ( lesson plans, test, visuals, Powerpoint, presentations, student applications, and the study, administrative, and tracking aids) on this disc are taken directly form the published Essentials of Fire Fighting, 4th ed. Curriculum and its accompanying Powerpoint Visaul.
ESS158ESSENTIALS IV CURRICULUMThe instructional materials ( lesson plans, test, visuals, Powerpoint, presentations, student applications, and the study, administrative, and tracking aids) on this disc are taken directly form the published Essentials of Fire Fighting, 4th ed. Curriculum and its accompanying Powerpoint Visaul.
ESS162FIREFIGHTER JOB PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTSDesigned to reinforce the hands-on skills required in Firefighter I & II training, this interactive CD-ROM takes classroom training to a new level. With gaming-quality animations that present realism and detail, this CD demonstates the Job Performance Requirements(JPRs) required by NFPA Standard 1001. A flexible format allows the CD to be used by an individual firefighter candidate as a learning tool, by a firefighter for monthly training, or by an instructor to incorporate into classroom powerpoint or other presentations. Look inside for these outstanding features: Containing over 100 animations representing the JPRs as outlined by the Standard 1001, the CD reinforces valuable skills essentials to success on a firefighter certification exam.; Combining narration with animation, the CD uses a step-by -step approach to each JPR.; Interactive features allow users to select the desired JPR fore necessary instruction a& pause as needed for further clarification on each step.; The animations can be copied to a networl fore multiple user access, providing a flexable training option.
ESS163ESSENTIALS OF FIRE FIGHTING SKILLS VIDEO- DVD SERIESNow there are video and animated illustrations of the skill sheets contained within each chapter if the Essentials of Fire Fighting (5th edition) manual. Thses DVDs contain video & animated illustrations of all of the skill sheets provided in Essentials of Fire Fighting. The short clips are full-motion illustrations of the printed skills for botrh Fire Fighter Levels I & II.
ESS164ESSENTIALS OF FIRE FIGHTING SKILLS VIDEO/DVD SERIESNow there are video and animated illustrations of the skill sheets contained within each chapter if the Essentials of Fire Fighting (5th edition) manual. Thses DVDs contain video & animated illustrations of all of the skill sheets provided in Essentials of Fire Fighting. The short clips are full-motion illustrations of the printed skills for botrh Fire Fighter Levels I & II.
ESS165ESSENTIALS OF FIRE FIGHTING - CURRICULUMThe materials are divided into Firefighter I and Firefighter II lessons. Each lesson includes detailed lecture & lesson outlines, skill evaluation checklist, and PowerPoint slide presentations. Ths slide presentation contain photos and illustrations from the manual.
ESS166ESSENTIALS OF FIRE FIGHTING - STUDY GUIDEINTERACTIVE STUDY GUIDE Using this CD-Rom, students can customize their study by creating sets of questions from a specfic chapter and range of page numbers in the manual that they choose. The student can then specify the number of questions in the study set. Each time the student uses the program the questions appear in random order, preventing the student from giving successful answers through memorization. The student receives immediate feedback as to whether each question was answered correctly or incorrectly. If answered incorrectly the student is given the page number where the information appears in the manual so that he/she can review the material. All of the questions are multiple choice and arranged by chapter. When the student completes the questions, the percent of correct answeres is reported. The student can print a study sheet to help review topics that need further study. Students who perform well using this studi guide should be prepared to successfully complete a formal course or certification examination.
ESS167ESSENTIALS OF FIRE FIGHTING- CLIP ARTThe image files are named to correspond with the figure numbers in the manuals. All images are in numerical order by chapter. The images on this disc are intended for on-screen computer use only and are set at a screen resoluation of 72dpi. An instructor could use them as illustrations for classroom use or choose different photographs to highlight important points in PowerPoint presentations.
ESS168Essentials Of Fire Fighting - Firefighter Safety: Part 1Presents an overview of fire department and firefighter responsibilities under NFPA 1500. Describes the Incident Command System, control zones at emergency response scenes and how to meet physical demands of the job through fitnesss and wellnes programs.
ESS169Essentials of Fire Fighting - Firefighter Safety: Part 2Discusses standard operating procedures and the importance of teamwork. Describe accountability systems and on-scene rehabilitation nad their importance to safety. Presents survival methods for firefighters who become disoriented or trapped in fires. Ifentifies safe procedures for riding fire apparatus, working on roadway emergency scenes, shutting off utilites at an emergency scene and responding to electrical emergenices.
ESS170Essentials of Fire Fighting - Fire BehaviorDescribes the science of fire and combustion, the Fire Tetrahedron, states of fuel, pyrolysis and vaporization. Identifies types of heat energy, methods of heat transfer, the stages of compartment fire development, the products of combustion, factors in fire development and dangerous fire conditions for firefighters.
ESS171Essentials of Fire Fighting - SCBA 1: IntroductionPresents the functions of each component of the SCBA system, safety features of various types of SCBA, limitations of SCBA and hazardous environments that require resiratory protection.
ESS172Essentials of Fire Fighting - SCBA 2: Use & MaintenanceDemonstrates correct SCBA donning and doffing techniques, inspection and care procedures, how to change cylinders at an emergency scene and safety precautions and rules for using SCBA in emergency situations.
ESS173Essentials of Fire Fighting- Personal Protective ClothingLists the elements of complete protective ensemble worn by firefighters and describes the functions and specifications for each element of personal protective clothing. Describes special clothing situations, firefighter responsibilities for care and maintenance of turnout gear and safety requirements for work uniforms and safety shoes.
ESS174Essentials of Fire Fighting - Portable ExtingushersDesigned to be used in public education programs as well as fire service training. Presents the classification and rating system used for extinguishers, types of hand-held extinguishers and how to select the correct extingusher for a fire. Presents steps for operating portable extinguishers and demonstrates how to extinguish fires using the most common types of extinguishers. Discusses extinguisher maintenance and demonstrates extinguisher inspection.
ESS175Essentials of Fire fighting - Ropes & KnotsPresents types, ratings and uses for fire service rope. Describes rope materials and construction, methods for inspecting rope and how to maintain and store rope. Demonstrates six basic knots used by firefighters and methods for hoisting equipment.
ESS176Essentials of fire fighting - Fire Control 1Discusses basic fire control strategies and safety. Demonstrates how to advance a charged attack line into a structure fire, three methods of water application, master stream devices, basic fire suppressiontactics for Class B fires, and techniques for suppressing vehicle fires and other exterior fires.
ESS177Essentials of Fire Fighting - Ladders 1Defines basic ladder terminology and discusses ladder types and their uses on the fireground. Demonstrates ladder maintenance and inspections, how to select the correct ladder for the task and basics in ladder handling.
ESS178Essentials of Fire Fighting - Ladders 2Shows factors that affect ground-ladder placement, correct ladder placement to meet specific objectives and ladder raises for one, two and three firefighters. Demonstrates procedures for securing ladders, methods for climbing ladders and how to place a roof ladder.
ESS179Essentials of Fire Fighting - Ventilation basics & Horizontal ProceduresDescirbes the fundamentals of ventilation, including benefits and safety concerns, especially backdraft and flashover. Describes horizontal and vertical ventilation, postive pressure, negative pressure and hydraulic ventilation. Demonstrates horizontal ventilation procedures.
ESS180Essentials of Fire Fighting - Vertical VentilationDescribes safety procautions for rooftop operations, roof types and construction and their impact in vertical ventialtion. Shows how to determine the integrity of a roof system and basic indictors of roof collapse. Demonstrates methods for opening flat and pitched roofs using a variety of techniques.
ESS181Essentials of Fire fighting - Fire Hose BasicsShows fire hose construction, sizes, uses, basic hose maintenance and how to prevent hose damage. Identifies types of hose coupling, tools and appliances and demonstrates hose-roll methods.
ESS182Essentials of Fire fighting- Handling HosePresents guidelines for loading hose and basic types of hose loads and finishes. Demonstrates common hoselays and methods for coupling and uncoupling hose.
ESS183Essentials of Fire Fighting - Advancing HoselinesDemonstrates how to pull and carry hose from a pumper to the fire location for a variety of hoseloads. Shows how to advance hose into structures and in stairways, from a standpipe and up a ladder and how to hoist hose. Describes how to extend a section of hose and how to retrieve a loose hoseline. Shows basic procedures for operating and controlling attack lines.
ESS184Essentials of Fire Fighting - Fire StreamsIdentifies basic sizes and types of fire streams and advantages and disadvantages of each type. Shows the use and maintenace of different types of nozzles. Defines "water hammer" and shows how to prevent it.
ESS185Essentials of Fire Fighting - Forcible EntryIdentifies forcible entry tools and how they should be used and maintained. Demonstrates procedures for through-the-lock entry on doors and forced entry through different types of doors and windows.
ESS186Essentials of Fire Fighting - Fire Detection, Alarms &CommunicationsPresents methods and technologies for receivingalarms from public. Shows the basic components of fire alarm and smoke detection systems. Presents an overview of the communications center and systems for dispatching fire department personnel to an emergency. Demonstrates good radio procedures and porcedures for routine and emergency communications.
ESS187Essentials of Fire Fighting - Lighting & Power SourcesDescribes types of lighting used in the fire service, auxiliary electrical equipment and power plants. Reviews safety considerations for using lighting and electrical equipment. Demonstrates how to set up electrical equipment, illuminate the emergency scene and maintenance of lighting and portable power plants.
ESS188Essentials of Fire Fighting - Property Conservation: SalvagePresents the benefits of good salvage operations to the public and the fire department. Demonstrates the procedures for storing and deploying salvage covers, how to construct a water chute and catchall using salvage covers and how to cover openings in the roof, windows and doors to protect the property from secondary damage.
ESS189Essentials of Fire Fighting - Property Conservation: OverhaulPresents indicators of structural instability and procedures for finding hiden fires. Describes procedures for opening concealesd spaces, extinguishing hidden fires, preserving evidence and restoring the premises after a fire.
ESS190Esesntials of Fire Fighting - Sprinkler SystemsDescribes the effectiveness of sprinkler systems in saving life and property. Describes how sprinklers work and presents different types of sprinkler systems, components of sprinkler systems and the locations and appearance of control and operating valves. Describes considerations for responding to fires in protected buildings.
ESS191Essentials of Fire Fighting - Building ConstructionDescribes construction classifications used in most building, codes and the role of fire resistance ratings. Describes the characteristics and fire behavior of five types of construction, defines building construction terms, the effects of fire and fire suppression activities on various building materials. Identifies the signs of dangerous building conditions, such as heavy fire loads and building collapse.
ESS192Essentials of Fire fighting - Rescue OperationsDemonstrates how to move injured victims using carries, drags, and stretchers. Presents various types of rescue tools and the dangers of vehcile restraint systems. Demonstrates methods to extricate an entrapped victim from a vehicle.
ESS193Essentials of Fire Fighting - Advanced VentilationPresents the factors affecting ventilation decisions. Shows precautions against upsetting vertical ventilation, methods for ventilating a basement or windowless building and special ventilation considerations of highrise buildings.
ESS194Essenials of Fire Fighting - Water SupplyExplains the components of water supplies for fire department operations, the operation of different types of hydrants and how to service test fire hose.
ESS195Essentials of Fire Fighting - Fire Control 2Demonstrates fire control tactics for difficult fires, including a large, exterior Class B fire, fires in upper levels of structures, fires below grade, fires in energized electrical equipment and fires involving a flammable gas cyclinder.
ESS196Essentials of Fire Fighting - Foam Fire StreamsDescribes trhe fundamentals of foam, including how foam is generated, how it extinguishes or suppresses fires, types of foam proportioners, nozzles and other foam generating systems and various types of foam. Demonstrates how to assemble a foam fire stream using an eductor. Features troubleshooting tips for foam operations.
ESS197Essentials of Fire Figting - Fire Hose AppliancesShows different types of fire hose appliances, including valves, valve devices, fitting and intake devices. Identifies the correct type of appliances to be used in specific fire ground operations. Demonstrates how to clean and maintain hose appliances.
ESS198Essentials of Fire Figthing - Fire Origin & CausePresents the firefighter's role in fire cause determination from first alarm to final overhaul. Shows how to secure the fire scene pending an investigation and describes legal considerations of fire cause determination. Demonstrates how to safeguard evidence at the scene.
ESS199Essentials of Fire Fighting - Pre-Incident & Fire Safety SurveysPresents the firefighter's role in fire prevention and preparedness. Demonstrates steps for conducting pre-incident surveys. Identifies common hazards found in occupancies and shows how to inspect fire protection systems for readiness.
ESS200Essentials of Fire Fighting- Fire Prevention & Public EducationExplains the importance of fire prevention and public education to the fire department and to the community. Demonstrates how to conduct a residential fire safety survey, describes common fire and life safety hazards in the home, how to present fire safety information to small groups and how to conduct station tours.
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