nd.gov - The Official Portal for North Dakota State Government


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Governing Bodies

Governing Body Entity
Youth Advisory Board Health and Human Services, Department of
WSI Advisory Board Nomination Coordination Committee Governor's Office
WSI Advisory Board Nomination Coordinating Committee Workforce Safety and Insurance
Work Session Public Service Commission
Workforce Enhancement Council Commerce, Department of
Workforce Development Council - Executive Committee Commerce, Department of
Workforce Development Council Executive Committee Job Service North Dakota
Workforce Development Council - Administrative Committee Commerce, Department of
Workforce Development Council Job Service North Dakota
Workforce Development Council Commerce, Department of
Williston Police Department BCI - Northwest Narcotics Task Force
Williams County Sheriff's Office BCI - Northwest Narcotics Task Force
Wheat Granting Committee ND State University Extension Service
Wheat Commission, ND Wheat Commission, ND
West Fargo Police Department BCI - Cass County Drug Task Force
West Central Human Service Center Advisory Body Health and Human Services, Department of
Weatherization Advisory Committee Commerce, Department of
Watford City Police Department BCI - Northwest Narcotics Task Force
Water Commission, ND State Water Commission, State
Ward County Sheriff's Department BCI - Ward County Narcotics Task Force
Walsh County Sheriff's Office BCI - Grand Forks Narcotics Task Force
Wahpeton Police Department BCI - End of the Woods Task Force
Voting System Replacement Committee, North Dakota Secretary of State, Office of the
Veterinary Medicine Admissions Committee, ND University System, North Dakota
Veterinary Medical Examiners, Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners, Board of
Veterans Affairs Task Force Governor's Office
Valley City Police Department BCI - Stutsman County Narcotics Task Force Board
University of North Dakota Police Department BCI - Grand Forks Narcotics Task Force
UI Modernization Executive Steering Committee Job Service North Dakota
UI Modernization Job Service North Dakota
UI Incremental Modernization Phase 1 - UIIMP1 Job Service North Dakota
UI Advisory Council Job Service North Dakota
Trust Committee Bank of North Dakota
Traverse County SO BCI - End of the Woods Task Force
Towner County Sheriff's Department BCI - Lake Region Narcotics Task Force
Tobacco Prevention and Control Policy, Center for Tobacco Prevention and Control Policy, Center for
Tobacco Prevention and Contol Executive Committee Tobacco Prevention and Control Policy, Center for
TFFR Executive Steering Committee Pension Administration System Project Teachers' Fund for Retirement
Telehealth Domain Workgroup Health Information Technology
Technology Nursing, ND Board of
Teachers' Fund for Retirement Teachers' Fund for Retirement
Teacher Retention and Recruitment Task Force Governor's Office
Task Force on the Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Children Health and Human Services, Department of
Symphony Bismarck-Mandan Orchestral Association
SW Coordinated Regional Interoperability Board Information Technology Department
Sunflower Granting Committee ND State University Extension Service
Sugarbeet Granting Committee ND State University Extension Service
Succeed 2020 Committee Succeed 2020 Steering Committee
Sub Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee Information Technology Department
Stutsman County Sheriff's Office BCI - Stutsman County Narcotics Task Force Board
Study Committee Bank of North Dakota
Study: Revised Medicaid Payment Methodology for Basic Care Services Health and Human Services, Department of
Stroke Task Force Health and Human Services, Department of
Strategic Planning Committee Nursing, ND Board of
STOP Violence Against Women Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
Statewide Interoperable Radio Network Executive Steering Committee Information Technology Department
Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee Information Technology Department
Statewide Independent Living Council Statewide Independent Living Council
State Lab Steering Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
State Investment Board State Investment Board
State Historic Preservation Review Board Historical Society
State Historical Records Advisory Board Historical Society
State Historical Board Historical Society
State Health Council Health and Human Services, Department of
State Gaming Commission AG - Office of the Attorney General
State Fair Board, ND State Fair, North Dakota
State Employee Compensation Commission Management and Budget, Office of
State Emergency Response Commission Emergency Services, Department of
State Credit Union Board Financial Institutions, Department of
State Canvassing Board Secretary of State, Office of the
State Board of Reg. for Professional Engineers ND State Board of Reg. for Professional Engineers
State Board of Higher Education University System, North Dakota
State Board of Equalization Tax Commissioner, Office of the
State Banking Board Financial Institutions, Department of
State's Attorneys Assocation, ND AG - ND State's Attorneys Association
Stark County Sheriff’s Office BCI - Southwest Narcotics Task Force
Stakeholder Public Forum Nursing, ND Board of
Special Meeting Public Service Commission
Southeast Human Service Center Advisory Group Health and Human Services, Department of
South Central Human Service Center Advisory Body Health and Human Services, Department of
SOS DPS File 2.0 Project Secretary of State, Office of the
SOS DPS File 2.0 Executive Steering Committee Secretary of State, Office of the
Social Work Examiners, ND Board of Social Work Examiners, ND Board of
Snowmobile North Dakota Parks and Recreation, Department of
Slope County Sheriff’s Office BCI - Southwest Narcotics Task Force
SLDS Research Workgroup Information Technology Department
SLDS Modernization Executive Steering Committee Information Technology Department
SLDS Data Up Executive Steering Committee Information Technology Department
SLDS Data Governance Workgroup Information Technology Department
SLDS Committee Information Technology Department
SITAC Information Technology Department
Sheridan County SO BCI - South Sakakawea Narcotics Task Force
Seed Commission Seed Department, State
SE Coordinated Regional Interoperability Board Information Technology Department
Screening Committee for Commissioner Department of Trust Lands Governor's Office
Sargent County SO BCI - End of the Woods Task Force
Rural Development Council Commerce, Department of
Rural Attorney Recruitment Program Rural Attorney Recruitment Program
Risk Mgmt Nursing, ND Board of
RIO Executive Steering Committee Investment Management Software Project State Investment Board
Richland County SO BCI - End of the Woods Task Force
Retiree Subcommittee Public Employees Retirement System
Resilient Early Intervention Leadership Competency Development Work Group Health and Human Services, Department of
Resilient Early Intervention Leadership Advisory Group Health and Human Services, Department of
Renewable Energy Council Industrial Commission
Reinsurance Association of North Dakota Insurance Commissioner, Office of the
Regular Commission Public Service Commission
Regional Trauma Committee - SW Health and Human Services, Department of
Regional Trauma Committee - NW Health and Human Services, Department of
Regional Trauma Committee - NE/SE Health and Human Services, Department of
Region 8 Association Region 8 Community Action Association
Refugee Data Management System Health and Human Services, Department of
Red River Valley Community Action Red River Valley Community Action
Recruiting Solutions Project ESC Human Resource Management Services
Recreational Trails Program Advisory Committee Parks and Recreation, Department of
Real Estate Commission Real Estate Commission, North Dakota
Ransom County SO BCI - End of the Woods Task Force
Ramsey County Sheriff's Department BCI - Lake Region Narcotics Task Force
Racing Commission, North Dakota Racing Commission, North Dakota
Qualifications and Ethics Board Real Estate Appraiser Board, ND
QSP Project ESC Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
Public School Education, State Board of Public School Education, State Board of
Public Input Session Public Service Commission
Public Health Systems Modernization Steering Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
Psychologist Examiners, ND State Board Psychologist Examiners, ND State Board of
Program Monitoring Nursing, ND Board of
Procurement Office Procurement Office
Procurement Automation ESC Information Technology Department
Problem Loan Committee Bank of North Dakota
Problem Gambling Advisory Council Health and Human Services, Department of
Private Investigation and Security Board Private Investigation and Security Board
Prison Industry Advisory Board Corrections and Rehabilitation, Dept. of
Preventive Health & Health Services Block Grant Public Hearing Health and Human Services, Department of
Practice Nursing, ND Board of
Potato Council, North Dakota Potato Council, North Dakota
Policy Network Emergency Services, Department of
Policy Committee Water Commission, State
Podiatric Medicine, ND Board of Podiatric Medicine, ND Board of
Plumbing Board, ND State Plumbing Board, ND State
Planning and Asset Management Executive Steering Committee Transportation, Department of
Physical Therapy, North Dakota Board of Physical Therapy, North Dakota Board of
Pharmacy, Board of Pharmacy, Board of
Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Fund Environmental Quality, North Dakota Department of
Personnel Board, State Human Resource Management Services
PeopleSoft Security Information Technology Department
Pembina River Task Force Advisory Group Pembina River Task Force Advisory Group
Pembina County Sheriff's Office BCI - Grand Forks Narcotics Task Force
Parole Board Corrections and Rehabilitation, Dept. of
Pardon Advisory Board Corrections and Rehabilitation, Dept. of
Palo Alto Project Executive Steering Committee Information Technology Department
PAIMI Advisory Council Protection and Advocacy Project
Outdoor Heritage Fund Industrial Commission
Other Public Service Commission
Opioid Settlement Advisory Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
onsite wastewater recycling technical committee Onsite Wastewater Recycling Technical Committee
OMB Statewide Budget System Executive Steering Committee Information Technology Department
Olmstead Commission Governor's Office
Oliver County SO BCI - South Sakakawea Narcotics Task Force
Oilseed Council Oilseed Council
Oil and Gas Research Council Industrial Commission
Oil and Gas Division Industrial Commission
Office of the Governor Governor's Office
Office of Recovery Reinvented Governor's Office
Office of Management and Budget Management and Budget, Office of
Occupational Licensure Advisory Committee DLHR - Labor and Human Rights
NW Coordinated Regional Interoperability Board Information Technology Department
Northwest Human Service Center Advisory Group Health and Human Services, Department of
Northern Plains Unmanned Systems Authority Governor's Office
Northeast Human Service Center Advisory Group Health and Human Services, Department of
North Dakota Veterans Home Governing Board Veterans Home, North Dakota
North Dakota State Rehabilitation Council Planning and Evaluation Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
North Dakota State Rehabilitation Council Health and Human Services, Department of
North Dakota State Library DRIS State Library
North Dakota State Grant Advisory Board Meeting University System, North Dakota
North Dakota State Board of Respiratory Care Respiratory Car, ND State Board of
North Dakota Reflexology Board North Dakota Reflexology Board
North Dakota Professional Health Program North Dakota Professional Health Program
North Dakota Medicaid Medical Advisory Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
North Dakota Medicaid Drug Use Review Board Health and Human Services, Department of
North Dakota League of Cities Executive Board North Dakota League of Cities
North Dakota Indian Affairs Commission Indian Affairs Commission
North Dakota EPSCoR University System, North Dakota
North Dakota Dry Pea & Lentil Council Dry Pea & Lentil Council, North Dakota
North Dakota Dairy Promotion Commission Board Dairy Promotion Commission, North Dakota
North Dakota Cross Disability Advisory Council Cross Disability Advisory Council
North Dakota Corn Council ND Corn Council
North Dakota Challenge Grant Review Committee University System, North Dakota
North Dakota Bureau of Criminal Investigation BCI - Southwest Narcotics Task Force
North Dakota Bureau of Criminal Investigation BCI - Northwest Narcotics Task Force
North Dakota Bureau of Criminal Investigation BCI - Metro Area Narcotics Task Force
North Dakota Bureau of Criminal Investigation BCI - Grand Forks Narcotics Task Force
North Dakota Bureau of Criminal Investigation BCI - Lake Region Narcotics Task Force
North Dakota Board of Water Well Contractors Water Well Contractors, North Dakota Board of
North Dakota Abstracter's Board of Examiners Abstracter's Board of Examiners, North Dakota
North Central Human Service Center Advisory Group Health and Human Services, Department of
NFI Advisory Board Health and Human Services, Department of
Nelson County Sheriff’s Department BCI - Lake Region Narcotics Task Force
NE Coordinated Regional Interoperability Board Information Technology Department
NDUS Foundation University System, North Dakota
NDSU Research Foundation Board ND State University
ND State Trauma Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
ND State Board of Occupational Therapy Practice Occupational Therapy Practice, ND State Board of
ND Soybean Council Board Soybean Council
NDSLIC Executive Board Emergency Services, Department of
ND Sheriffs and Deputies Executive Board North Dakota Sheriff's and Deputies Association
ND Sheriff's and Deputies Association North Dakota Sheriff's and Deputies Association
ND SAVIN Governance Committee AG - Criminal Justice Information Sharing
ND POST Board Meeting Peace Officers Standards and Training Board
NDPERS Executive Director Performance Review and Compensation Subcommittee Public Employees Retirement System
NDPERS Board Public Employees Retirement System
ND Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation, Department of
ND Parks and Recreation Little Missouri Scenic River Commission
ND Lifespan Respite Coalition Health and Human Services, Department of
NDIT Statewide Parcel Dataset (SPD) Information Technology Department
NDHIN Project Executive Steering Committee Information Technology Department
ND Higher Education Challenge Fund Governor's Office
ND Health and Human Services - Developmental Disabilities Health and Human Services, Department of
ND Health and Human Services - Children and Family Services Health and Human Services, Department of
ND Health & Human Services - Behavioral Health Division Health and Human Services, Department of
ND EPSCoR State Steering Committee (NDESSC) University System, North Dakota
ND Economic Development Foundation Governor's Office
NDDTL - IT Executive Steering Committee Department of Trust Lands
ND DOH Immunization Interoperability Project Executive Steering Committee Information Technology Department
ND Department of Justice Settlement Agreement Stakeholder Meeting Health and Human Services, Department of
ND County Treasurer's Association North Dakota County Treasurer's Association
ND County Auditor's Association North Dakota County Auditor's Association
ND Community Action Partnership ND Community Action Partnership
ND Commission on Uniform State Laws Governor's Office
ND Commission on Legal Counsel for Indigents Legal Counsel of Indigents, ND Commission on
NDCCA Legislative Committee ND County Commissioners Association
NDCCA Board of Directors ND County Commissioners Association
ND Cares Executive Committee Governor's Office
ND Bureau of Criminal Investigation BCI - Ward County Narcotics Task Force
ND Board of Examiners for Nursing Home Administrators Examiners for Nursing Home Administrators, North Dakota Board of
ND Board of Clinical Laboratory Practice Clinical Laboratory Practice, ND Board of
ND Board of Barbers Barber Examiners, Board of
ND Association of Soil Conservation Districts Soil Conservation Districts, ND Association of
ND Association of County Engineers ND Association of County Engineers
ND America 250 Commission Historical Society
ND AG Gaming Distributor Project Information Technology Department
NDACo Finance Committee ND Association of Counties
NDACo Executive Committee ND Association of Counties
NDACo Board of Directors ND Association of Counties
NAWS Authority Water Commission, State
Native American Scholarship Board University System, North Dakota
National Correct Coding Initiative Replacement System ESC Health and Human Services, Department of
National and Community Service, State Commission on Commerce, Department of
N.D. Statewide Independent Living Council - Internal Affairs Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
N.D. Statewide Independent Living Council - Governance Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
N.D. Statewide Independent Living Council - External Affairs Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
N.D. Statewide Independent Living Council Health and Human Services, Department of
N.D. State Rehabilitation Council Membership/Public Relations Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
N.D. State Hospital Governing Body Health and Human Services, Department of
N.D. State Council on Developmental Disabilities Health and Human Services, Department of
N.D. Interagency Coordinating Council Health and Human Services, Department of
N.D. Department of Health and Human Services Health and Human Services, Department of
N.D. Behavioral Health Planning Council Health and Human Services, Department of
Museum Exhibit Committee Historical Society
Motor Vehicle Project Executive Steering Committee Transportation, Department of
Morton County Sheriffs Office BCI - Metro Area Narcotics Task Force
Money Follows the Person Program Stakeholders Health and Human Services, Department of
MMIS Tech Stack Upgrade Executive Steering Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
MMIS Modernization Project Executive Steering Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
Minot Police Department BCI - Ward County Narcotics Task Force
Minot Area Chamber EDC Minot Area Chamber EDC
Milk Marketing Board Milk Marketing Board
Medicine, Board of Medicine, Board of
Medical Marijuana Advisory Board Health and Human Services, Department of
Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board
McLean County SO BCI - South Sakakawea Narcotics Task Force
McKenzie County Sheriff's Office BCI - Northwest Narcotics Task Force
Massage, ND State Board of Massage, ND State Board of
Marriage and Family Therapy Licensure Board Marriage and Family Therapy, North Dakota
Manufactured Home Installation Committee Commerce, Department of
Mandan Police Department BCI - Metro Area Narcotics Task Force
MAFIN Information Technology Department
Lottery Advisory Commission Lottery, North Dakota
Loss Control Committee Meeting Information Technology Department
Long Term Care Advisory Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
Lisbon Police Department BCI - End of the Woods Task Force
Lignite Research Council Industrial Commission
Lighthouse Program Information Technology Department
Library Coordinating Council, ND State Library
Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center Endowment Fund Board of Trustees Parks and Recreation, Department of
Legislative Management Interim Education School Choice Study Public Instruction, Department of
Legal Case Management System Project Information Technology Department
Legal & Policy Domain Workgroup Health Information Technology
Legacy Investment for Technology (LIFT) Commerce, Department of
Leadership Team Groups Nursing, ND Center of
Land Commissioner Search Committee Department of Trust Lands
Land Board Department of Trust Lands
LaMoure County Sheriff's Office BCI - Stutsman County Narcotics Task Force Board
Lake Region Human Service Center Advisory Group Health and Human Services, Department of
K-12 SLDS Executive Steering Committee Information Technology Department
K-12 Education Coordination Council Governor's Office
Juvenile Justice System Planning Committee Governor's Office
Juvenile Justice State Advisory Group, ND Governor's Office
Justice Reinvestment Oversight Committee Justice Reinvestment Oversight Committee
Judicial Nominating Committee Governor's Office
Judicial Conference Legislation Committee, ND Judicial Conference
Judicial Conference Executive Committee, ND Judicial Conference
Judicial Conference Judicial Conference
Joint Military Museum Advisory Committee Historical Society
Job Evaluation Committee (JEC) Human Resource Management Services
Jamestown Police Department BCI - Stutsman County Narcotics Task Force Board
ITSM Service Management Project Executive Steering Committee Information Technology Department
ITD STAGEnet Transport Service (2015) RFP Information Technology Department
Investment Subcommittee Public Employees Retirement System
Investment Committee Bank of North Dakota
Investment Committee Department of Trust Lands
Interstate Compact for Juveniles State Council Corrections and Rehabilitation, Dept. of
Interstate Compact for Adults Corrections and Rehabilitation, Dept. of
Integrative Health Care, ND Board of Integrative Health Care, ND Board of
Insurance Department Insurance Commissioner, Office of the
Innovative Education Task Force Governor's Office
Innovation Steering Committee Bank of North Dakota
Informal Hearing Public Service Commission
Industrial Commission Pipeline Authority
Industrial Commission Industrial Commission
ILG Board of Directors Institute of Local Government
IC/BND President Search Committee Industrial Commission
HR Contacts Human Resource Management Services
HIV Advisory Board Health and Human Services, Department of
HITAC Information Technology Department
Highway Patrol Electronic Permitting ESC Information Technology Department
High-Level Radioactive Waste Advisory Council Industrial Commission
High-Level Radioactive Waste Advisory Council Geological Survey
Higher Education Task Force Governor's Office
HHS Child Care Licensing Project Executive Steering Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
Hettinger County Sheriff’s Office BCI - Southwest Narcotics Task Force
Hepatitis C Advisory Council Health and Human Services, Department of
Hearing Aid Specialists, ND Board of Hearing Aid Specialists, North Dakota Board of
Health Provider Directory (HPD) - Secure Messaging Workgroup Health Information Technology
Health Information Network, ITD ND Health Information Technology
Health Equity Committee Meeting Health and Human Services, Department of
Health Care Task Force Health and Human Services, Department of
Harmonization Board Governor's Office
Group of 8 Historical Society
Grant County SO BCI - South Sakakawea Narcotics Task Force
Grand Forks Police Department BCI - Grand Forks Narcotics Task Force
Grand Forks County Sheriff's Office BCI - Grand Forks Narcotics Task Force
Governors Nursing Shortage Team Subcommittees Nursing, ND Center of
Golden Valley County Sheriff’s Office BCI - Southwest Narcotics Task Force
Golden Valley County Commissioners Golden Valley County Auditor
GIS Technical Committee Information Technology Department
Funeral Service, State Board of Funeral Service, State Board
Funds Management Committee Bank of North Dakota
FRAME/CCWIPS Replacement Project ESC Health and Human Services, Department of
Foster County Sheriff's Office BCI - Stutsman County Narcotics Task Force Board
Formal Hearing Public Service Commission
Finance Nursing, ND Board of
Federal Environmental Law Impact Review Committee Agriculture, Department of
Fargo Police Department BCI - Cass County Drug Task Force
Fargo-Moorhead Area Flood Diversion Task Force Governor's Office
Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, Advisory Commission on Commerce, Department of
Executive Steering Committee System Replacement Project Workforce Safety and Insurance
Executive Steering Committee Extranet Workforce Safety and Insurance
Executive Steering Committee - Cash Management Replacement Bank of North Dakota
Executive Steering Committee Environmental Quality, North Dakota Department of
Executive Session Nursing, ND Board of
Executive Office Transportation, Department of
Executive Committee Nursing, ND Board of
Executive Committee Bank of North Dakota
Executive Committee Health Information Technology
Executive Board Firefighter's Association, North Dakota
Examiners on Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, ND State Board of Examiners on Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, ND State Board of
Ethics Commission Selection Committee Governor's Office
Ethics Commission, North Dakota Ethics Commission, North Dakota
Ethanol Council, ND Ethanol Council, ND
ESM Information Technology Department
ESC Risk Based Data Management System 3.0 upgrade Mineral Resources, Department of
ESC K-12 ID-ITD-EduTech Information Technology Department
EOPC WSI-ITTP Project Information Technology Department
EOPC SLDS Project Information Technology Department
EOPC JSND-WyCAN Project Information Technology Department
EOPC HIT-HIE Project Information Technology Department
EOPC DHS-Operating Rules (Legacy) Project Information Technology Department
EOPC DHS MSP (MMIS Project) Information Technology Department
EOPC DHS-Eligibility Rewrite Project Information Technology Department
EOPC DES-RMS/CAD2 Information Technology Department
Environmental Review Advisory Council Environmental Quality, North Dakota Department of
Energy Share of North Dakota Community Action Region 6 - Jamestown
Energy Impact Grants Advisory Committee Department of Trust Lands
EMS Education Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
EMS Advisory Council Health and Human Services, Department of
EmPower ND Commission Commerce, Department of
Emergency Services Records Management Systems, Dept of Information Technology Department
Emergency Services Communications Coordinating Committee Emergency Services Communications Coordinating Committee
Emergency Services Advisory Committee, Department of Emergency Services, Department of
Emergency Medical Services for Children Health and Human Services, Department of
Emergency Commission Emergency Commission
Eligibility Systems Modernization Project Executive Steering Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
Electronic Permitting (E-Permits) Highway Patrol
Electronic Health Record (DOCR EHR) Corrections and Rehabilitation, Dept. of
Electrical Board Electrical Board
Electoral College Secretary of State, Office of the
Election Subcommittee Public Employees Retirement System
Election Management System/Campaign Finance ESC Secretary of State, Office of the
EHP Licensure Board Health and Human Services, Department of
Education Standards and Practices Board Education Standards and Practices Board
Education NEC Nursing, ND Board of
Educational Technology Council Educational Technology Council
Education Advisory Committee Electrical Board
Eddy County Sheriff's Office BCI - Stutsman County Narcotics Task Force Board
Economic Development Foundation Commerce, Department of
Economic Assistance Policy Division Health and Human Services, Department of
Early Childhood Services Advisory Board Health and Human Services, Department of
Early Childhood Integrated Data System Phase 2 Executive Steering Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
Early Childhood Education Council Governor's Office
Early Childhood Council Health and Human Services, Department of
Dunn County Sheriff’s Office BCI - Southwest Narcotics Task Force
Drug and Violent Crime Policy Board AG - Office of the Attorney General
DPI Advisory Boards Public Instruction, Department of
DOT Website Uplift Information Technology Department
DOT RIMS/CMMS Information Technology Department
Divide County Sheriff’s Office BCI - Northwest Narcotics Task Force
Dietetic Practice, ND Board of Dietetic Practice, ND Board of
DHS ND Help for Homeowners system project ESC meeting Health and Human Services, Department of
Devils Lake Police Department BCI - Lake Region Narcotics Task Force
Devils Lake Outlet Management Advisory Committee, The Department of Water Resources
Development Fund, Incorporated, North Dakota Commerce, Department of
Developmental Disabilities Section National Core Indicators Health and Human Services, Department of
Developmental Disabilities Payment System Steering Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
Developmental Disabilities Eligibility Workgroup Health and Human Services, Department of
Department of Water Resources Department of Water Resources
Department of Public Instruction Public Instruction, Department of
Department of Mineral Resources Director Search Committee Industrial Commission
Department of Agriculture Agriculture, Department of
Data Domain Workgroup Health Information Technology
Dakota Center for Independent Living, Inc. Dakota Center for Independent Living, Inc.
Crop Protection Product Harmonization and Registration Board, ND Agriculture, Department of
Criminal Justice Information Sharing Board AG - Criminal Justice Information Sharing
Criminal Background Check Unit Automation Project Executive Steering Commit Health and Human Services, Department of
Crime Victim's Advisory Board Corrections and Rehabilitation, Dept. of
COVID Emergency Rent Assistance System Project ESC meeting Health and Human Services, Department of
Court Facilities Improvement Advisory Committee Court Facilities Improvement Advisory Committee
Counselor Examiners, ND Board of Counselor Examiners, ND Board of
Cosmetology, ND State Board of Cosmetology, ND State Board of
Contact Center as a Service - ESC Information Technology Department
Comprehensive Medication Management Advisory Committee Insurance Commissioner, Office of the
Comprehensive Health Association of North Dakota (CHAND) Insurance Commissioner, Office of the
Community Health Worker Task Force Health and Human Services, Department of
Community Action Region 6 - Jamestown Community Action Region 6 - Jamestown
Community Action Program Region VII, Inc. Community Action Program Region VII, Inc.
Community Action Partnership of ND Board of Directors Community Action Partnership of North Dakota
Community Action Partnership - Minot Region Community Action Partnership - Minot Region
Community Action Governing Board Community Action Partnership of Dickinson/Williston
Communication & Education Domain Workgroup Health Information Technology
Committee on Protection and Advocacy Protection and Advocacy Project
Committee on Aging Health and Human Services, Department of
Commission on the Status of Women Commerce, Department of
Commission on Juvenile Justice Governor's Office
Commissioner Performance and Compensation Committee Department of Trust Lands
Commerce Cabinet Commerce, Department of
College of Technical Education University System, North Dakota
CO2 Education Project Executive Team Industrial Commission
Clinical Domain Workgroup Health Information Technology
Clean Sustainable Energy Authority Industrial Commission
City of Medora Police Department BCI - Southwest Narcotics Task Force
City of Dickinson Police Department BCI - Southwest Narcotics Task Force
City & County Health Officials, ND State Association of Health and Human Services, Department of
Chiropractic Examiners, ND State Board of Chiropractic Examiners, ND State Board of
Child Support Modernization Project Executive Steering Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
Child Support Guidelines Drafting Advisory Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
Child Support Guidelines Drafting Advisory Committee Child Support Enforcement
Children in Need of Services Planning Committee Governor's Office
Children's Cabinet Health and Human Services, Department of
Children's Behavioral Health Task Force Health and Human Services, Department of
Child Care Development Fund Health and Human Services, Department of
Centers of Excellence Commission Commerce, Department of
Census 2020 Task Force Commerce, Department of
Cavalier County Sheriff’s Department BCI - Lake Region Narcotics Task Force
Cass County State's Attorney's Office BCI - Cass County Drug Task Force
Cass County Sheriff's Office BCI - Cass County Drug Task Force
Carrington Police Department BCI - Stutsman County Narcotics Task Force Board
CARES Act IT Projects ESC Information Technology Department
Career and Technical Education, Department of Career & Technical Education, Dept. of
Cardiac System of Care Task Force Health and Human Services, Department of
Cardiac Ready Community Advisory Committee Health and Human Services, Department of
Capitol Grounds Planning Commission Facility Management
CAD2/Statewide Records Management System ESC Information Technology Department
Business and Citizen Gateway Information Technology Department
Burleigh County Sheriffs Department BCI - Metro Area Narcotics Task Force
Bureau of Criminal Investigation - Jamestown BCI - Stutsman County Narcotics Task Force Board
Bureau of Criminal Investigation BCI - Cass County Drug Task Force
Building Code Advisory Committee Commerce, Department of
Breckenridge Police Department BCI - End of the Woods Task Force
Brain Injury Advisory Council Health and Human Services, Department of
Board Subcommittee Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board
Board of Optometry Optometry, Board of
Board of Governors Bar Association, ND State
Board of Directors Natural Resources Trust, Inc., North Dakota
Board of Directors Affordable Housing Developers Inc.
Board of Directors Nursing, ND Center of
Board of Directors Workforce Safety and Insurance
Board of Directors SENDCAA
Board of Dental Examiners Dental Examiners, ND State Board of
Board of Accountancy Accountancy, ND State Board of
Board Nursing, ND Board of
Bismarck Police Department BCI - Metro Area Narcotics Task Force
Billings County Sheriff’s Office BCI - Southwest Narcotics Task Force
Billing Rewrite (ITD) Executive Steering Committee Information Technology Department
Biennial Report Committee Secretary of State, Office of the
BeYou Advisory Board Health and Human Services, Department of
Benson County Sheriff’s Department BCI - Lake Region Narcotics Task Force
Benefits Subcommittee Public Employees Retirement System
Beef Commission, ND Beef Commission, ND
Bed Management System ESC Health and Human Services, Department of
Barnes County Sheriff's Office BCI - Stutsman County Narcotics Task Force Board
Barley Council, ND Barley Council, ND
Badlands Human Service Center Advisory Body Health and Human Services, Department of
Autism Spectrum Disorder Task Force Health and Human Services, Department of
Audit Committee Public Employees Retirement System
Atmospheric Resource Board, ND Atmospheric Resource Board, ND
Arts, ND Council on the Arts, Council on the
Alternative to Discipline Committee Nursing, ND Board of
Alternatives to Detention Planning Committee Governor's Office
All Seasons Arena Board State Fair, North Dakota
Agricultural Research and Education,State Board of ND State University
Aging Services Division - State Plan Hearings Health and Human Services, Department of
Aeronautics Commission, ND Aeronautics Commission, ND
Advisory Council on Revenue Forecasting Management and Budget, Office of
Advisory Committee Health Information Technology
Advisory Committee Public Finance Authority
Advisory Board Leadership Development and Compensation Committee Bank of North Dakota
Advisory Board Finance and Credit Committee Bank of North Dakota
Advisory Board Committee Bank of North Dakota
Advisory Board Audit and Risk Management Committee Bank of North Dakota
Advisory Board Housing Finance Agency, North Dakota
Advisory Board Game and Fish Department
Administrative Rules Committee Occupational Therapy Practice, ND State Board of
Administrative Rules Committee Social Work Examiners, ND Board of
Administrative Hearing Department of Trust Lands
Administrative Committee Veterans Affairs, Department of
Administrative Commission Public Service Commission
Administration Game and Fish Department
Adivsory Panel Nursing, ND Board of
Addiction Counseling Examiners, ND Board of Addiction Counseling Examiners, ND Board of
Adams County Sheriff’s Office BCI - Southwest Narcotics Task Force
Abstracters' Board of Examiners Governor's Office
700/800 MHz Technical Advisory Committee Emergency Services, Department of
125th Birthday Celebration of Statehood Historical Society
100 Year Celebration Nursing, ND Board of

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