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Record Series

35 items found, displaying all items.
RCN Title Department Division Active Retention Eligible Disposal Date Disposal Method
800389 MARRIAGE LICENSES County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM Archives, Confidential
800391 BURIAL PERMITS County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM Archives
800395 WILLS FOR SAFEKEEPING County Government Recorder Yes ACM - After Conditions Met ACM Archives, Confidential
500203 AFFIDAVITS OF MAILING County Government Recorder Yes 10 years 2014 Landfill/Delete backups
800328 PERMITS, OIL DRILLING County Government Recorder Yes 25 years 1999 Landfill/Delete backups
800351 RECEPTION AND FEE BOOK County Government Recorder Yes 25 years 1999 Landfill/Delete backups
800353 INDEX, CHATTEL MORTGAGE (IF NOT CONTINUED) County Government Recorder Yes UD - Updated/update UD Landfill/Delete backups
800359 BILLS OF SALE RECORD County Government Recorder Yes 10 years 2014 Landfill/Delete backups
800368 REGISTER, PERSONAL PROPERTY LIENS County Government Recorder Yes UD - Updated/update UD Landfill/Delete backups
800371 UNDERGROUND CABLE INFORMATION County Government Recorder Yes UD - Updated/update UD Landfill/Delete backups
800392 ELECTION BALLOTS & DOCUMENTATION (NONFEDERAL) County Government Recorder Yes ACM - After Conditions Met ACM Landfill/Delete backups
800394 ELECTION BALLOTS & DOCUMENTATION (FEDERAL) County Government Recorder Yes ACM - After Conditions Met ACM Landfill/Delete backups
800390 MARRIAGE LICENSE DOCUMENTATION County Government Recorder Yes ACFY+3 - After Current Fiscal Year Plus 3 Years JUNE 2021 ACFY Shredder
900232 MONTHLY REPORT TO STATE BD OF EQUALIZATION County Government Recorder Yes CY+1 - Current Year Plus 1 Year 2023 CY+1 Shredder
300305 MORTGAGE RECORD County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM
300505 OIL, GAS, AND COAL LEASE RECORD County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM
300506 DEEDS, MINERAL County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM
500201 AFFIDAVITS, RECORDED County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM
500401 LEGAL FILES County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM
501101 POWER OF ATTORNEY County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM
800317 PLAT BOOKS County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM
800354 INDEX, GRANTEE/GRANTOR County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM
800355 INDEX, TRACT/NUMERICAL County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM
800356 MISCELLANEOUS RECORD County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM
800357 INDEX, MISCELLANEOUS RECORD County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM
800358 FORECLOSURE SALE REGISTER County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM
800360 DEED RECORD/REAL ESTATE County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM
800361 PROPERTY CORNER RECORDATION County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM
800363 RECEPTION AND FEE BOOK FOR REAL ESTATE County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM
800365 LIENS REGISTER, REAL ESTATE County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM
800366 LIENS, REAL ESTATE County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM
800369 INDEX, REAL ESTATE LIENS County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM
800370 PATENT RECORD County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM
800707 COURTHOUSE RECORDS County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM
950112 HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLATS County Government Recorder Yes PERM - Permanent PERM