Special Request Plate (SRP) availability may change from when you perform your online search to when your order is received by the Motor Vehicle Division. Some plate letter/number combinations are only available on certain plate types. Also, some plate types may need approval for eligibility and additional documentation may be needed with the plate order to verify that the requirements are met. The Motor Vehicle Division reserves the right to deny the issuance of any license plates containing letter or number combinations that, when read in any language, forwards or backwards, may be deemed offensive to good taste and decency, or could be misleading. All SRP requests are reviewed and approved by the Motor Vehicle Plate Review committee prior to issuance.
Font may appear differently on the physical plate. For example, a zero and letter O will appear the same. Please be advised that this is only a rendering of your plate choice and not an exact replica.
It can take up to 8-10 weeks for you to receive your Special Request Plate.